WOD Nov. 11th

  • Skill Work: Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1
  • Wod: “The Double Header”
  • For Time:
  • 5 rounds

    5 OHS 115/75#

    10 Chest to bar pullups

    immediately followed by:

    3 Rounds

    6 HSPU

    16 ghd situps

    32 Double Unders

WOD Nov. 10th

Skill Work:  5,5,3,3,1,1 Push Jerk


“The Gun Thief”

5 rounds

10 pistols (alternating legs)

5 snatches 135/95

*If you don’t have pistols yet try them while holding onto a pole or rings to help pull yourself up. Adjust the weight to ability level for the snatches.

WOD Nov. 9

Skill Work:  Reps of 5-5-3-3-1-1 Power Clean

AMRAP 10 minutes:

10 2-in-1 wall ball 20/14#

8 Ring dips (sub 16 normal dips if no rings available)

6 Deadlift @ 1 1/4 bw

Be patient with me Im still trying to figure out the format in which my posts appear on the website.

WOD Mon. Nov. 8th

Skill Work:
Kettlebell Swings 5×5, Thrusters 5×5, Box jump (emphasis on good technic not amount of weight)

10-8-6-4-2 reps

kb swings 53/35
thrusters 95/45

box jumps

Level Ten Crossfit Strength Challenge

First of all a big thanks to everyone at Level Ten CrossFit for putting together a great event. The programming was great, the judges were fair and the venue was perfect. I was very impressed with the level of athletes that competed in this event. It was a long day of five grueling events that were great measure of fitness with a slight bias towards strength, my hands are definitely feeling the 280lb farmers walk today. To all the participants nice work yesterday.


Stretch and watch football