Push Press 5×2 87%

Pendlay Row 3×10 AHAP


800m run

400m row

15 power cleans AHAP make it around 80% 1rm

Lurong WOD 3

11 Minute AMRAP:

Ascending Ladder (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18….. of the following movements:

  • Wall Balls
  • Box Jumps
  • Deadlifts

Make sure to watch the video and read everything on this page! All Standards are the same for all divisions: Opens, Masters, and Masters +. Athletes may perform the workout at whatever skill level is appropriate, but he/she may not change or modify any of the movements, weights, or standards beyond what is listed in these standards.


The Rep Sequence

Round 1
3 Wall Balls
3 Box Jumps
3 Deadlifts
Round 2
6 Wall Balls
6 Box Jumps
6 Deadlifts
Round 3
9 Wall Balls
9 Box Jumps
9 Deadlifts
Round 4
12 Wall Balls
12 Box Jumps
12 Deadlifts
Round 5
15 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
15 Deadlifts
Round 6 +
Add 3 Reps each round
Continue with 18, 21, 24, 27, 30…. until time expires

Movement Details – Men

Level III (3)
Wall Balls- 20 lbs with a 10 foot target
Box Jumps- 24 inches
Deadlifts- 115 lbs
Level II (2)
Wall Balls- 14 lbs with a 10 foot target
Box Jumps- 20 inches
Deadlifts- 105 lbs
Level I (1)
Med Ball Cleans- 14 lbs
Box Jumps- 16 inches
Deadlifts- 95 lbs

Movement Details – Women

Level III (3)
Wall Balls- 14 lbs with a 9 foot target
Box Jumps- 20 inches
Deadlifts- 75 lbs
Level II (2)
Wall Balls- 10 lbs with a 9 foot target
Box Jumps- 16 inches
Deadlifts- 65 lbs
Level I (1)
Med Ball Cleans- 10 lbs
Box Jumps- 12 inches
Deadlifts- 55 lbs

Movement Standards

Wall Balls
In the wall ball, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the top of the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a no rep. Using an additional ball, box or other object to check for proper depth is not allowed. If the ball is not caught between reps, it must come to a full stop on the ground. Bouncing the ball off the floor is not permitted. The men’s target is at 10 feet and the women’s is 9 feet.
Box Jumps
The movement starts with the athlete standing upright. The hips and knees must open fully while in control on top of the box. Step ups and/or step downs are permitted for all levels. When jumping up the athlete must take off and land on the box with both feet. Use boxes, bumper plates, or other stable materials to achieve correct box height.
This is a traditional Deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo-Deadlifts are not allowed. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. The Athlete may drop the barbell from the top of the lift, but the bar must be a rest before starting the next rep. Bouncing of the barbell will not be permitted.


Accessory Strength:

100 Side Bends (50 per side AHAP)

4×10 Bent over rows

4xME strict pull ups


“The Kraken”

3 rounds

1 L-sit legless rope climb

3 Bench Press 250/145#

5 Deadlift 365/255#

7 Bar Muscle Ups

*adjust weights as needed


Back Squat

2×20 @ BW or as close to it as possible


Tabata T2B


60 sec max effort row

30 sec rest

60 sec max effort S2OH 95/65#

30 sec rest

5 rounds


core: 20 windmills


Snatch off low blocks
work to heavy triple

Back Squat:
2x20W/body weight on the bar


“Open Workout 14.1″

10 minute AMRAP of:

30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55#




“Open Workout 14.1″

10 minute AMRAP of:

30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55#

Team Saturday

Teams of two

Movement-A is that station’s team goal and both athletes will work towards achieving this goal

At the count of 3,2,1 GO…Both athletes will start at station #1.

Athlete #1 will perform movement-A as the other athlete #2 performs movement-B. When athlete #2 completes the reps for movement-B, the athlete #1 must stop and both athletes switch movements. Athlete #2 will continue where Athlete #1 had stopped. Athletes will continue switching till the team completes the reps for movement-A. Once the reps for movement-A are complete the team move on to the next station.

Station 1
A) 50 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
B) 10 Dips

Station 2
A) 50 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
B) 5 Bar facing burpees

Station 3
A) 50 power cleans (95#/65#)
B) 10 Toes 2 Bar

Station 4
A) 50 KB Swings (53#/35#)
B) 10 Push Ups


Capacity Test #1
ME unbroken c2b pull ups

Capacity Test #2
100 Wall Balls for time 30/24#

Capacity Test #3

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Set up three bars and storm through for time. Yes the clean is a squat

*rest as needed between the tests

Lurong WOD 2

The Lurong wod 2 is obviously today, number 3 will be done wednesday and all subsequent Lurong Wods will be done on Wednesday throughout the rest of the challenge. There will be Lurong make ups on Saturdays at 10a.m. The measurements are to be done at the gym when possible and I will verify them as they come in.

9 Min AMRAP:
Complete as many reps of possible in the time limit of the following movments:

Ground to Overhead (G2OH)
Bar Facing Burpees

Movement Details – Men
Level III (3)
20 G2OH- 95 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH- 135 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH- 155 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH- 185 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH- 225 lbs
Level II (2)
20 G2OH- 65 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH- 75 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH- 95 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH- 135 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH- 155 lbs
Level I (1)
20 G2OH (Med Ball)- 20 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH (Barbell)- 45 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH- 65 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH- 95 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH- 115 lbs
Movement Details – Women
Level III (3)
20 G2OH- 65 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH- 85 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH- 105 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH- 135 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH- 155 lbs
Level II (2)
20 G2OH- 45 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH- 55 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH- 65 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH- 95 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH- 105 lbs
Level I (1)
20 G2OH (Med Ball)- 14 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH (Barbell)- 35 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH- 45 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH- 65 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH- 85 lbs
Movement Standards
G2OH – Barbell
The Ground to Overhead (G2OH) movement is about getting the bar from the floor to overhead “anyway”. The key point is the range of motion between the start and end points. The barbell begins on the ground. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. Allowable variations include: power snatch, squat snatch, split snatch, clean and jerk, squat clean and jerk, squat clean thruster, or any variation. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. If you begin with an empty barbell, or a barbell that only has plates smaller than standard bumper plates, each repetition must begin with the barbell clearly below the knees.
G2OH – Med Ball
Med Ball Ground to Overhead (G2OH) starts with the athlete standing and the medicine ball on the floor. The movement is complete when the athlete is standing with the ball overhead with the hips, knees, and elbows fully locked out. Any variation to get to the finishing position is allowed. Touch and go at the bottom is allowed but bouncing the ball on the ground is not permitted.
Bar Facing Burpees
Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell. One footed jumping or stepping over the bar is permitted for Level 1 only.
Scoring and Details
The athlete’s total score is the sum of all reps completed within the 9 minutes time allowance.
The athlete may preload the barbell with the first set weight. Then that athlete is responsible to changing weights under their own power during the workout. It is recommended to set up the needed weight in a way that transitions are quick with the weights easily accessible.
The submission page for the workout will automatically calculate the athlete’s total number of reps based on how far he/she progressed through the workout.
Video Submissions are required in order to be eligible for performance prizes.
The submission page for the workout will automatically calculate your final time. you will simply need to enter in your completion time or how far you progressed before time ran out.
You many complete the 3 benchmark workouts at whatever skill level you want, but the benchmark performance prize will be awarded to the top man and woman in each division, skill level, and region based on the total number of reps completing in all 3 benchmark workouts. In order to be eligible the athlete must perform all 3 benchmark WODs at the same skill level.