15min Amrap

10 deadlifts 315/205#

5 muscle ups

10 T2b

5 shoulder to overhead 185/115#

100m sled drag (heavy)


rest 10 min

30min amrap @ 70%

3 TGU (moderate)

100m bear crawl

10 POwer Snatches 95/65#

50 dbl unders

10 walking lunges ( dbl kb front rack 53/35#)

500m row


Box Squats

4×3 @ 20lbs heavier than last week

Stiff Legged Deadlift

3×8 @ 20lbs heavier than last week



15min Amrap

10 squat cleans 185/115#

5 strict pull ups (scale small kip or assisted strict)

10 T2b

5 shoulder to overhead 185/115#

200m run


Barbell Wod


3 rounds

5 squat cleans 225/145#

12 bar facing burpees

rest as needed

3x30sec sprints all out on the rower

rest 3.5 minutes between rounds


Clean & Jerk

5×1. Start at 85% of your 1RM C&J. Level load across all sets. Linear progression each week. Target 5kg increase each week if work sets are above 100kg. Target 2.5kg increase each week if work sets are below 100kg. You must make 4/5 lifts to increase weight next week.


10 burpee box jumps 24/20

10 kb snatches (alternating arms) 53/35#

8 burpee box jumps

8 kb snatches

6 burpee box jumps

6 kb snatches

4 burpee box jumps

4 kb snatches

2 burpee box jumps

2 kb snatches

Sunday Funday

Strength Event:

1 min max reps power clean @ 60% of max  clean


21 burpees

15 hang squat cleans 95/65#

15 burpees

9 hang squat cleans 135/95#

9 burpees

6 hang squat cleans 165/105#

Team Saturday

Pain Train:

in teams of 3 or 4

5 rounds 3 Ground To OverHead 135#/95#, 15 knee to elbow
Run 800m
5 rounds 3 power snatch 135#/95#, 15 wall ball
Run 800m
5 rounds 3 GTOH 135#/95#, 15 knee to elbow
Run 800m
5 rounds 3 power snatch 135#/95#, 15 wall ball
Run 800m


Barbell WOD:

*except deadlift (dont do the deads we will do them on saturday)


50 strict hspu for time

rest 3 min

50 Body weight Lunges for time (body weight on the barbell)

rest 3 min

50 T2b for time



POwer Clean + Hang Squat Clean

4×1+1. Each set is 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean. Start at 65% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk. Level load across all sets. Linear progression each week. Target 5kg increase each week if work sets are above 110kg. Target 2.5kg increase each week if work sets are below 110kg.



“Fight Gone Bad Style”

Kb swings 53/35#


Ab Mat Sit ups

push ups

Goblet Squats 53/35#

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, total of 3 rounds


WOD 1:

500m row

10 power cleans 135/95

400m row

8 power cleans

300m row

6 power cleans

200m row

4 power cleans

100m row

2 power cleans


rest as needed


WOD 2:


Even: Deadlift 7 reps  65%

ODD:  Box Jumps 14 reps 24/20


Barbell Wod

Front Squat + Thruster

4×1+1. Each set is 1 Front Squat + 1 Thruster. Start at 65% of your 1RM Front Squat. Level load across all sets. Linear progression each week. Target 10kg increase each week if work sets are above 120kg. Target 5kg increase each week if work sets are below 120kg.

Back Squat

4×3. Start at 70% of your 1RM Back Squat. Level load across all sets. Linear progression each week. Target 5kg increase each week if work sets are above 150kg. Target 2.5kg increase each week if work sets are below 150kg.


12 Min Amrap

10 burpees

15 wall balls 20/14

20 box jumps

250m row