5 Min Time Cap:

  • Decending Ladder of Hang Power Cleans
  • Ascending Ladder of Shuttle Sprints

Make sure to watch the video and read this entire page. All standards are the same for all divisions: Opens, Masters, and Masters +

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The Rep Sequence

Round 1
10 Hang Power Cleans
20 Meter Sprint
Round 2
8 Hang Power Cleans
40 Meter Sprint
Round 3
6 Hang Power Cleans
60 Meter Sprint
Round 4
4 Hang Power Cleans
80 Meter Sprint
Round 5
2 Hang Power Cleans
100 Meter Sprint

Movement Details – Men

Level III (3)
135 lb Hang Power Clean
Shuttle Sprints (10 Meter Increments)
Level II (2)
95 lb Hang Power Clean
Shuttle Sprints (10 Meter Increments)
Level I (1)
65 lb Hang Power Clean
Shuttle Sprints (10 Meter Increments)

Movement Details – Women

Level III (3)
95 lb Hang Power Clean
Shuttle Sprints (10 Meter Increments)
Level II (2)
65 lb Hang Power Clean
Shuttle Sprints (10 Meter Increments)
Level I (1)
45 lb Hang Power Clean
Shuttle Sprints (10 Meter Increments)

Movement Standards

Hang Power Clean
The Barbell begins on the ground. The athlete must first stand all the way up to full hip and knee extension before starting the first rep. In order for a rep to count the athlete must receive the barbell above parallel in a partial squat, while both elbows clearly clear the bar, before standing all the way up to full hip and leg extension before proceeding into the next rep. If you drop the barbell at any time before the desired rep count you must then repeat the first step of dead lifting the bar up before continuing on. Touch and go is permitted.
10 Meter Shuttle Sprint
The athlete must start from behind the first measured out line. He or she must then sprint across the opposing line. Both feet must clearly cross the line as well as a two handed touch must take place to the line each way.


  • Any 1 REP of Hang Power Cleans not completed within the 5 minute time cap will be added on as 1 additional second.
  • Every 10 Meter run not completed withing the 5 minute time cap will result in 5 seconds being added to the total time.
  • The submission page for the workout will automatically calculate your total time. You will simply need to enter in your completion time or how far you progressed before time ran out.


This workout begins with the athlete standing tall, with barbell on the ground. Once the clock starts the athlete then has up to 5 minutes to complete as many of the 5 as rounds as quickly as possible. In order for the Hang Power Cleans to count the athlete must first Deadlift the bar up before starting the movement. If he or she fails to do so or power cleans the first rep it does not count. The athlete must then start over. At the top of the clean the athlete’s elbows must clear the bar, and he or she must stand all the way up at full hip and leg extension before proceeding into their next rep. On the 10-meter sprinting intervals if the athlete does not clearly start behind the markers and or clear the markers with both feet it is a no rep. Both hands must make contact with the line. The clock stops either when time expires or when any part of the athlete’s body crosses the finish line on the final 10 Meter increment.






Dead Lift

Rower (SDHP) Thruster

Total Time (add intervals): Row 200m (SDHP) 10 Thrusters (45/15 or PVC) Time each interval (one person rests while partner goes)

3 times each (approx 3 min rest)

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