Wod Jan 31

Hello all! I don’t feel like I get on here enough and explain my plans or just give you guys insight into my ideas and philosophy on helping you become the  most fit you can become. As you all have noticed we have started a new strength program and before I go into details of the program let me tell you about my experience with gaining strength.

In my experience with trying to gain strength and the goal to get that all important PR, there are hills and valleys.  I have had days in my journey for strength where a weight that is 100 lbs under my PR feels impossible to move or mentally I’m thinking ” you know what Jake you don’t need to workout today, it’s just not your day.”  There isn’t an athlete out there who hasn’t had this same conversation with themselves and if someone tells you they haven’t they are lying. The mentality that separates the great athletes from the ones that almost achieve their goals are the people that take those days where everything feels heavy, or the motivation is lacking and push past internal barriers and give everything they have that day. These are the days when the biggest improvements made made, not on the  days when everything feels light. Don’t get me wrong the days when everything feels light push yourself and go for it, but the true gains come from difficult days.

Now I’m off to explain the new strength program. You have probably noticed it has started off very light and confusing from all the different percentages. This is a program that is designed to have you not reach failure. The idea behind it is if you don’t reach failure your body and mind will be that much more ready for the next strength session without being overtaxed.  This type of strength training will not only improve recovery but also improve confidence, which is a huge factor in strength training.  All in all trust in me, the programming and most of all have fun!

Strength:  shoulder press:


55%x5, 62.5%x5, 67.5%x3x10

remember all percentages are based off of 90% orm


50 box jumps 24/20

@ 10 stop and do 20 hr push ups

@ 20 stop and do 20 ball slams

@ 30 stop and do 20 ab mat sit ups

@ 40 stop and do 20 kb swings 53/35

@ 50 stop and do 20 power cleans

finish with 50 burpees

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