Build to max Push press

Build to 3rm pendlay row


3 rounds of 30sec all out effort Thrusters @ 95/65#

Rest 3min inbetween rounds

Rest 3min

500m row


15min row or run @50% effort

Sunday Funday

750m row

100m odd object carry/farmers carry

40 kb snatches 53/35#

100m odd object/farmers carry

40 goblet squats 53/35#

100m odd object/farmers carry

750m row

Competition Saturday

10 min to establish 1rm front squat and jerk

Rest 5 min

Wod 1


Power clean 115/75#

Ring dip

Rest 5 min

Wod 2

3 rounds

400m run

20 box jumps

20 ghd sit ups

Rest 5 min

Wod 3

1k row

50 push ups

40 deadlift 185/125#

30 wall balls 20/14

20 t2b

10 power cleans 185/125#

Team Saturday

. Teams of 2 complete:

(1 athlete works at a time):

40-30-20-10 of:

Power Snatches, 95/65

Box Jump Overs, 24/20


Immediately followed by:

40-30-20-10 of:

Overhead Squats, 95/65



Immediately followed by:

40-30-20-10 of:

Wall Balls, 20/14


Borrowed from competitor training



2 rep Snatch (full squat) AHAP (reset quick doesn’t have to be touch and go)


Immediately do 2 box jumps as high as possible


Rest 1min


5 rounds




5 min AMRAP


12 shoulder to overhead 135/95#


9 t2b


6 front squat 135/95#


Rest 5 min


5 min AMRAP


50 DBL unders


10 hang power cleans 135/95#


10 lateral barbell burpees



10 mi  handstand walk practice


2 rep Snatch (full squat) AHAP (reset quick doesn’t have to be touch and go)

Immediately do 2 box jumps as high as possible

Rest 1min

5 rounds


5 min AMRAP

12 shoulder to overhead 135/95#

9 t2b

6 front squat 135/95#

Rest 5 min

5 min AMRAP

50 DBL unders

10 hang power cleans 135/95#

10 lateral barbell burpees


Bench Press 4 reps AHAP


IMMEDIATELY drop it to 60% of 1rm and do 5 reps as fast as possible


Rest 1min


X 5 rounds




7 min amrap


7 deadlifts 300/200#


11 c2b pull ups


15 wall balls 20/14#






8 min


Even: max deficit hspu in 30 sec

Odd: max strict t2b 30 sec




Bench Press 4 reps AHAP

IMMEDIATELY drop it to 60% of 1rm and do 5 reps as fast as possible

Rest 1min

X 5 rounds


7 min amrap

7 deadlifts 225/155#

11 pull ups

15 wall balls 20/14#



8 min

Even: max dbl unders 30 sec

Odd : max ab mat sit ups 30 sec



5 front Squats AHAP


5 tuck jumps

Rest 1 min

X 5 rounds


7 Minute AMRAP


Athletes will have 7 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. The workout rep scheme and movements are as follows:


6 Handstand Push Ups/Hand Release Push Ups/Hand Release Push Ups (From Knees)8 American KB Swings/Russian KB Swings12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls/Sumo Deadlifts


spaceplay / pause




qunload | stop






shift + ←slower / faster












. seek to previous


1… 6 seek to 10%, 20% … 60%


Make sure to watch the video and read everything on this page! All Standards are the same for all divisions: Opens, Masters, and Masters +. Athletes may perform the workout at whatever skill level is appropriate, but he/she may not change or modify any of the movements, weights, or standards beyond what is listed in these standards


Movement Details – Men


Complete as many reps as possible in the following rep and movement sequence.


Level III (3)

6 Hand Stand Push Ups

8 American Kettle Bell Swings with 70 lb KB

12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 70 lb KB


Level II (2)

6 Hand Release Push Ups

8 American Kettle Bell Swings with 53 lb KB

12 Sumo Deadlift with 53 lb KB (No High Pull)


Level I (1)

6 Hand Release Push Ups from the Knees

8 Russian Kettle Bell Swings with 35 lb KB

12 Sumo Deadlift with 35 lb KB (No High Pull)


Movement Details – Women


Complete as many reps as possible in the following rep and movement sequence.


Level III (3)

6 Hand Stand Push Ups

8 American Kettle Bell Swings with 53 lb KB

12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 53 lb KB


Level II (2)

6 Hand Release Push Ups

8 American Kettle Bell Swings with 35 lb KB

12 Sumo Deadlift with 35 lb KB (No High Pull)


Level I (1)

6 Hand Release Push Ups from the Knees

8 Russian Kettle Bell Swings with 18 lb KB

12 Sumo Deadlift with 18 lb KB (No High Pull)