WOD Dec. 30th in Honor of Cpt. Terry Gee SFD

On Wednesday December 29th, we will be hosting a WOD for a Captain in Sacramento whom recently passed away.   We also will remember the two firefighters who just died in Chicago at the same time.  this is for you Captain Gee!  Donations for the Gee Family or their designated charity will be collected at the affiliate.  Once we have a location to send the donations if you can not attend we will post the information

Early Monday December 21st,  Fire Captain Terrence Gee, passed away. He was surrounded by his immediate family in his home. In February of this year, Terrence was diagnosed with cancer. He leaves behind is wife Nancy of twenty-four years, son Samuel age twenty-two, and daughter Amanda age twenty, as well as, a great number of other family and friends.

Terry began his career in the fire service with Sacramento Fire Department in February 1985. He spent a significant portion of his career assigned to Station 57 where he worked with his dear friend, Captain Bob Kiehne.  In December 2005, Terry promoted to the rank of Fire Captain and worked at a number of stations; however his most recent assignment prior to illness was Station 60.

In addition to his work with the Sacramento Fire Department, Captain Gee was an elected Member of the Board of Directors for the Florin Fire District.  In that role he guided the District through the merger with the American River Fire District in 1997.  “Terry Gee was a tireless advocate for both the District and the residents it served.  Without his leadership and perseverance the merger between AmericanRiver and Florin Fire Districts would not have occurred” said Rick Martinez, retired Fire Chief for both Districts.  Following that merger Captain Gee continued to support the regionalization of the fire service which led to the creation of the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District.


The significance of the workout is 6 rounds at 6 exercises 10 reps for a total of 60 reps each exercise.

We will be collecting donations



6 rounds of 6 exercises 10 reps each:

Box Jump 30/24

Thrusters (95/65)

KettleBell Swings (55/35)


Overhead Squat (95/65)

Toes to Bar

Optional Second Alarm for Terry and the Chicago Firefighters:

For gyms with a tire, hose or rope tied to it, and sledge, or even a prowler: :  add” Hose Drag” 100 feet, at end, use sledge for 5 hits each side.  Repeat 6 times (use approximately 180lbs on the prowler for men and 135 for women)

GodSpeed and Rest In Peace our fallen brothers from both Sacramento and Chicago.  Our hearts and thoughts are with your family and friends

WOD Dec. 29

Strength Component: 5×5 Shoulder press

Wod: Reps of 21,15,9,3

OHS 115/75#

Ball Slams 20/15#

Box Jumps 24/18

Core: 50 Knees to Elbows

New Years Day

The Gym will be closed new years day Jan. 1st. Have a Great new years night and have fun but be safe!!!

The mindbody scheduler is up and running and for my existing clients I will be setting you guys up with the system so you will be signing up for classes online, therefore we can be more organized. More to follow.

WOD Dec. 28

Strength Component: 5×5 OHS


3 Rounds for time

10 KB Swings 70/53/35#

20 Box Jumps 24/18

40 air squats

20 push ups (games standard)

10 Ring Dips 

Core: 3 x max time plank

WOD Dec. 27th

Warm Up

Strength Component: 5×5 Bench Press

Wod: 6 min running clock

Row 500m

20 Pull Ups

Then with remainder of the time as many ground to overhead with 95/75# as possible. Your score is the amount of reps of ground to overhead you get before the 6 minutes is up.

Core: 100 Russian Twists 20/15# ball

WOD Dec. 26th

Warm Up

Strength Component:  5×5 Weighted Pull up


30 Wall Balls 20/14#

90 Double Unders

20 Wall Balls

60 Double Unders

10 Wall Balls

30 Double Unders

Core: 50 GHD Sit Ups

WOD Christmas Eve 2010

Warm Up

Strength Component 5,5,3,3,1,1 Snatch

WOD:  2 person team wod

One member of the team is holding (2) 53lb KB in the rack position while the other member of the team Rows the prescribed distance and then they switch positions and repeat. There is a 5 burpee penalty for every time the KB come out of the racked position. The rowing distance requirements are as follows:

Each team member Rows while the other member holds the KB in the Rack position:






Thank Cpt. Paul Webber USMC for his dedicated service to our country and for the above WOD.