Team Saturday

“Bullet Proof”

Teams of 2 0r 3

3k row (alternate every 15 pulls)

100 kb swings(alternate every 10) (if the kb touches the ground 10 burpee penalty on the spot)

100 med ball passes(alternate every 10) (if ball hits the ground 10 burpee penalty on the spot)

50 box jump overs (alternate every time)

3k row (alternate every 15 pulls)


Clean Complex:
Superset Clean Complex w/ Box Jumps. 3 sets of each. no rest between the complex and the box jumps
@ 50% of your 1RM Clean: Deadlift, Jump Shrug, Hang Clean, Front Squat, and Repeat.
5 box jumps
12 sets of 2 reps at 50% of your 1RM. Start a new set every minute on the minute. Reps should be done with SPEED!

 For time:

50 Pistols (alternating)
50 GHD Sit Ups
50 burpees

15 Shuttle Sprints for time (the length of the gym down and back is 1) elite goal is under 90sec
rest 1:1 and repeat


Clean Complex:
Superset Clean Complex w/ Box Jumps. 3 sets of each. no rest between the complex and the box jumps
@ 50% of your 1RM Clean: Deadlift, Jump Shrug, Hang Clean, Front Squat, and Repeat.
5 box jumps
 50 cal row
40 Wall Balls 20/14
30 Power Cleans 135/95#
15 Shuttle Sprints for time (the length of the gym down and back is 1) elite goal is under 90sec



Strength Superset

3 sets w/90sec rest between movements

8-6-4 reps

Strict Press

Rest 90sec

Pendley Row

rest 90sec


10 min Amrap

30 power snatches 75/55

30 power snatches 135/95

30 power snatches 165/115

Amrap 210/135



50 cal row

40 t2b

30 power cleans 135/95#


Strength Superset

3 sets w/90sec rest between movements

8-6-4 reps

Strict Press

Rest 90sec

Pendley Row

rest 90sec


10 min Amrap

30 power snatches 75/55

30 power snatches 135/95

30 power snatches 165/115

Amrap 210/135



40 t2b for time


10 min handstand work


1) Snatch deadlift 2×2, 2×1 pause 1sec just below knee

Clean High Pull 2×2, 2×1 pause 1sec just below knee



6min Amrap

12 kb swings 53/35#

10 ring rows

8 burpee box jumps

2 wall walks

50 foot waiters carry 53/35#

Rest 2min and repeat the 6min amrap


1) Front Squat

3×2, 2×1 building


2) Wod

4 rounds

5 push press 185/125

ME unbroken ring dips

rest 30sec

5 Strict C2B Pull ups (weighted if possible)

ME Unbroken C2B Pull ups

Rest 2min Between Rounds

3) Back Squat

2×3, 2×4, 2×5, 2×6 Build ech set

rest 60sec between sets

4) Core
3 rounds
10 t2b
rest 30sec
1:00 Side Plank (30sec/side)
rest 30sec


1) Front Squat

3×2, 2×1 building


2) Wod

4 rounds

5 push press 165/115

ME unbroken ring dips (scaled narrow pushups)

rest 30sec

5 Strict C2B Pull ups (weighted if possible)

ME Unbroken C2B Pull ups

Rest 2min Between Rounds

3) Back Squat

2×3, 2×4, 2×5, 2×6 Build ech set

rest 60sec between sets



10 min handstand practice




Deadlift  3×2, 2×1 building in weight


5min AMRAP TGU left arm

5min AMRAP TGU right arm






Shuttle run 3:00

Row 3:00

Sled drag 2:00 (light)


× 3 rounds