WOD August 6th

Sorry for a lot of the same information but we want to make sure our new clients are not confused. Also today is the first day of our new schedule changes so pay attention to what you sign up for. PLEASE let us know if you are having trouble with the new changes because we don’t want anyone not coming in because of the changes. WE can make it work but you have to let us know! Below is some information for any Grouponer/new client and the new schedule changes.

To our new GROUPON MEMBERS and other Future Clients- You will have to participate in our 5 ON RAMP Classes or have a year of experience in CrossFit Movements before you can move to our Level One WOD Class. Here is the Description below. Please go to our Schedule and follow directions to sign up for your First Class! You do not have to do your on ramp classes in order from 1-5 or have to finish in one week. We do want you to get all 5 so you have our core knowledge and movements. Welcome! Call us for any questions or come stop in to check it out.

Schedule: (changes start August 6th)

There are 5 required classes that are offered twice during the week. If a client does not make it to a class, there is a make up on Saturdays and Sundays at 10 am during open gym. Each class has a designed workout at the end of the instruction. (Participation is required). Below is the Times for all 5 of the classes.

Class 1: Mon @ 10:00 A.M or 6:30 P.M

Class 2: Tues @ 6:30 A.M. or 5:30 P.M

Class 3: Wed @ 6:30 A.M. or 6:30 P.M

Class 4: Thurs @ 10:00 A.M or 6:30 P.M

Class 5: Fri @ 6:30 A.M or 5:30 P.M

Strength: 5 x 2 Squat Cleans (Do not take a lot of break between Reps and take 60 seconds off between sets; Increase weight each Set)

Skills: 7 Minutes to work on Handstand Pushups


21-15-9 of:

Walking Overhead Lunges with barbell 95/65


Core: Tabata Plank Pushups x 6 rounds

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