WOD July 23rd

Thanks so Much for everyone who showed up and did the TEAM WOD with us on Saturday. It was a Blast and we really appreciate it the push for our upcoming competition in Pasadena on Saturday.

Also Thanks for who showed up for the gymnastic class yesterday! Thank you to Amber and Mariah for kicking our butts without a bar or weights (stretching was hard) To be honest though we really would like to see more of our members participate in this great opportunity for great gymnastic training in a amazing facility. If you have any suggestions how we can get you in the door (time, date, etc…) please let the Staff know.

The schedule might be a little light this week because we are traveling down south on fri. We will try to staff all classes and maybe Ginger might even make another appearance. We are thankful to have such great people be there for us to fill in!

Strength:  5 x 2 Tempo Deadlifts  (3 Seconds up and 3 seconds down; make sure to get both Reps in a Row without dropping the bar)

Skills: 7 minutes to work on Ring Dips and/or Kipping, Chest to Bar and Butterfly Pullups


4 Rounds for time of:

5 Squat Snatches 115/75

10 HSPU  (Motification: 20 HR Pushups)

7 Chest to Bar Pullups

50 Meter DB Farmers Carry 45/25

Core: 100 Situps for time

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