WOD Feb 7th

Strength: Push Jerks 5,5,5,3,3,3


AMRAP in 12 minutes

2 Handstand Pushups

4 L Pullups

8 Pushups (Game Standard)

16 Situps

32 Air Squats

Core:  4 30 second one leg plank holds (switching legs)

4 30 ft one arm KB Farmers Walk 53/35 (switching arms)

The Gym will be closed the next 2 days saturday and sunday. Saturday Im attending an olympic lifting class all day and sunday is the super bowl. Sorry If this causes an inconvenience but I will be bring my new knowledge to the gym to help everyone with their olympic lifts. Have a good weekend and have fun during the super bowl. Go Packers!!!!

If you just want to come see what we are all about we offer a free first time workout and if Crossfit appeals to you and you decide to join you get 50% off 1st month’s membership with no long term commitment.  Just contact Jake Neubauer 530-864-3746 to set up a time for the first class.

WOD Feb 4th

If you just want to come see what we are all about we offer a free first time workout and if Crossfit appeals to you and you decide to join you get 50% off 1st month’s membership with no long term commitment.  Just contact Jake Neubauer 530-864-3746 to set up a time for the first class.

Strength: 5×5 OHS


6 min AMRAP

3 Deadlift @ 75% of 1 rep max

7 Push Ups

10 Air Squats

Core:  30 Floor Wipers 95/45#

Here is a video from the workout on Jan 30th with John Gibson, Jesse Myers and Cristina Robinson pushing through this leg devastating workout.

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Wod Feb 3rd

50% off 1st month’s membership with no long term commitment.  Just contact Jake Neubauer 530-864-3746 to set up a time for the first class.

Strength: 3×5 Shoulder Press 65, 75, 85% of 1 rep max respectively


For time:

“Filthy Fifty”
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Gibson 25:37

Blank 27:23

Nice work fellas!!!

Wod Feb 2

Strength: Split Jerks 3,3,3,1,1


5 Rounds

7 Double Pushup Burpees

12 Goblet Squats 53/18

15 Russian Lunges 53/18

Core: 2×10 Hip Extensions & 2×10 GHD situps

Wod Feb 1

Strength: Power Cleans 3,3,3,1,1 


Every min on the min perform the following for 12 minutes

1 snatch   115/65

2 clean and jerks   115/65

3 front squats   115/65

4 push press    115/65

Core: 50 straight leg situps holding 25/10 lbs overhead on way up

Wod Jan 31

Strength: 3×5 Back Squat


“Tabata” 20sec on and 10 sec off for 8 rounds of the following

push up

sit up

pull up

air squat

Wod Jan 30

Strength: 5×5 Bent over row


5 Rounds

5 Squat Clean 135/95#

10 Box Jumps 30″

200m row

Core: 50 toes to bar

Wod Jan 29th

Strength: 3×5 Bench Press


Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of:

10 Pull-ups

7 Handstand Push-ups

Rope climb, 15 ft

7 Ring Dips

CORE: 50 GHD sit ups