WOD Dec. 29

Strength Component: 5×5 Shoulder press

Wod: Reps of 21,15,9,3

OHS 115/75#

Ball Slams 20/15#

Box Jumps 24/18

Core: 50 Knees to Elbows

New Years Day

The Gym will be closed new years day Jan. 1st. Have a Great new years night and have fun but be safe!!!

The mindbody scheduler is up and running and for my existing clients I will be setting you guys up with the system so you will be signing up for classes online, therefore we can be more organized. More to follow.

WOD Dec. 28

Strength Component: 5×5 OHS


3 Rounds for time

10 KB Swings 70/53/35#

20 Box Jumps 24/18

40 air squats

20 push ups (games standard)

10 Ring Dips 

Core: 3 x max time plank

WOD Dec. 27th

Warm Up

Strength Component: 5×5 Bench Press

Wod: 6 min running clock

Row 500m

20 Pull Ups

Then with remainder of the time as many ground to overhead with 95/75# as possible. Your score is the amount of reps of ground to overhead you get before the 6 minutes is up.

Core: 100 Russian Twists 20/15# ball

WOD Dec. 26th

Warm Up

Strength Component:  5×5 Weighted Pull up


30 Wall Balls 20/14#

90 Double Unders

20 Wall Balls

60 Double Unders

10 Wall Balls

30 Double Unders

Core: 50 GHD Sit Ups

WOD Christmas Eve 2010

Warm Up

Strength Component 5,5,3,3,1,1 Snatch

WOD:  2 person team wod

One member of the team is holding (2) 53lb KB in the rack position while the other member of the team Rows the prescribed distance and then they switch positions and repeat. There is a 5 burpee penalty for every time the KB come out of the racked position. The rowing distance requirements are as follows:

Each team member Rows while the other member holds the KB in the Rack position:






Thank Cpt. Paul Webber USMC for his dedicated service to our country and for the above WOD.

WOD Dec. 23

Warm Up

Strength Component: 5,5,3,3,1,1 Push Press

12 min AMRAP

10 Pull Ups

8 Thrusters 95/65#

6 KB Snatch (3 each arm) 53/35#

4 Deadlift 255/165#

Core: 100 Russian Twists 20/15# slam ball

WOD Dec 22nd

Warm Up

Strength Component: 5×5 OHS


Reps of 21,15,9


Box Jump 24/18

Power Snatch 75/55#

Core: 100 ab mat sit ups

WOD Dec. 21

Warm Up

Strength Component: 5,5,3,3,1,1 Shoulder Press


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time

Thrusters 95/65

GHD Sit-ups

Goblet Squat 53/35


Deadlift 135/95

Ring Push-ups

Note: Goblet squat is done by grabbing a KB by the handle on both sides, holding it against your chest and squatting down with it.