WOD July 17th

Strength:  5 x 3 Tempo Deadlifts  (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down; go light enough to get 3 in a row without taking a break between reps, and take 60 seconds off between sets)


Row 750 Meters

Then do:

5 Rounds of:

7 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95

7 Chest to Bar Pullups

Core:  12 Skin the Cats (if you are proficient at these do 18 reps for time)

WOD July 16th

Skills: 12 Min to work on Kipping Pullups and Toes 2 Bar (try to get 10 in a row each)


12-9-6 Reps of:

Squat Clean 165/115

Wall Ball 20/14

Toes 2 Bar

Core: 30 GHD Situps

WOD July 15th

Here is another tribute to the Crossfit games by getting to know a Classic WOD!

Strength: 5 x 3 Deadlifts



9-7-5 of:

Squat Snatch 135/95

Muscle ups

Core: 100 Situps for time

WOD July 14th

Saturdays is going to be Partner WOD day again. Have fun and work hard!

Strength:  5 x 3 Split Jerks (Work to Heavy but keep it clean and smooth)


With Partners of 2 do:

Run 400 Meters (both team members run together)

50 Ground to Overhead 115/75 (both team members working at same time)

100 Pushups (one person working at a time)

200 Air Squats (one person working at a time)

Run 400 Meters (both team members run together)

Core: none

WOD July 13th

*Schedule change for this weekend:

  • The WOD Class will be moved from 0900 to 0800
  • There will be no open gym

Sorry for any inconvenience…. Hope to see you all on Sunday for our party.

Strength:  5 x 5 Front Squats


AMRAP for 15 Minutes of:

20 Box Jumps

15 Pullups

10 Wall Balls

5 Deadlifts 250/165

Core: 12 Turkish Get ups (As Heavy as Possible, 6 Each Arm)

WOD July 12th

Do to the extreme heat we are going to be doing a wod at a local park. The wod will take place at Mont View Park on Winding Way. The class times will be the same. Make sure you bring water and lets go have some outdoor fun!

The park is located on winding way between sunrise and san juan ave. Call me if you need directions.

WOD July 11th

To ALL CFSG Members!!!! We have some upcoming EVENTS we want you to plan for attend!

July 15th: CrossFit Games Pool Party!!!! Come Watch the CrossFit Games Finals in style at a POOL PARTY! Join us at Amber/Spencer’s House (Pic below)  from 11 am to Whenever. 6533 Landis Ave. in Carmichael. Bring a swim suit, something to grill or a side dish, some cold beverages (of your choice) and a smile!!

July 22nd: Come act like a kid again and do Gymnastics in West Sac for our second OFF CAMPUS SUNDAYS!

Please Join us in at the International Gymnastics Centre in West Sacramento from 0800-0930 for some basic gymnastics training for all ages and levels! We are excited and proud to be coached by one of our very own CrossFitters- Amber Graupner, who is one of the head Gymnastics Coaches at the Facility.

1260 Triangle Ct
West Sacramento, CA 95605

(916) 372-4496


Strength: 5 x 5 High Bar Back Squat



21-15-9 reps for time of:

Handstand Push Ups
Ring Dips
Push Ups

Core: 30 Half Moons for time

WOD July 10th

Strength:  5 x 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk (Do both Hang Power Cleans and do not drop the bar in between reps and after the second rep do 1 Push Jerk to finish the set. Increase Weight each set)


AMRAP in 6 Min of:

7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

7 Thrusters 115/75

Rest 1 Min then do:

AMRAP in 3 Min of:

Burpee Box Jumps

Core:  10 Skin the Cats (if you are proficient as these do 15 reps for time)

WOD July 9th

Strength:  5 x 3 Shoulder Press (Heaviest as Possible. Do NOT dip. This is a Strict Press)


12 Minutes of Total Work time:

-Start with 2000 Meter Row

– With remaining time do AMRAP of:

10 Ground to Overhead 95/65

10 Toes to Bar

Core: 100 Meter One Arm KB Farmers Walk x4 (heaviest as possible, do left arm, then right arm and repeat one time)

WOD July 8th

Strength: 5×3 Snatch Balance (As Heavy as you can)


21-15-9 Reps of:

Overhead Barbell Lunges 95/65

Toes 2 Bar


Core: 30 Back Extensions