February 18th

Snatch: 90% x2 reps, 92.5% x 1 rep, 95% x 1

Clean & Jerk: 90%x 2 reps, 92.5% x 1 rep, 95% x 1


30 Power snatches 95/65

20 hspu

30 clean and jerks 95/65#

12 hspu


CORE: 2 min amrap russian twists

February 17th

deadlift: 85% x 3-5 reps x

2-3 sets

2. Block pull: 90% x 1-2 reps x 2 sets



4×ME strict t2b rest 30sec between efforts



3 rounds for time

20 front rack lunges 95/65#

20 burpees over the bar

Sunday Funday

Teams of 2:

10 min to establish team total 1rm split jerk

Rest 5 min then:

200m sandbag run (partner runs with the person carrying the bag)

20 burpees while 1 person holds the sandbag in the front rack (switch as needed)

20 pull ups (sandbag held off the ground anyway)

20 min amrap



Hey StompinGrounders! Click on the link below on the left hand side for Onnit, which is a company that specializes in supplements but also has some cool equipment and clothing. I personally use a lot of the Onnit supplements and love them!

Team Saturday

Teams of 2


5 Min

Max Thrusters 45/35

15 Situps


2 min rest


5 min

Max Slam Ball 20/15#

15 Mt. Climbers


2 min rest


5 min

Max KB Swings 53/35#

15 Squats


2 min rest


5 min

Max Hang Clean 45/35#

10 Burpees


*Teams are switching between the two exercises keeping a count of the max reps



Valentines Day

Squat: 3sets 2 reps 85%, Front Squat 2×2 90%, Pause Squat 2 sets 3-5 reps 80%



For time:

Run 800m
20 Deadlifts 225/155#
40 Thruster 45/35#
20 Deadlifts 225/155#
Run 800m


Core: 40 hollow rocks

February 13th

5X3 T&G Power Snatch: work to a 3RM – rest 90 sec.



4 rounds of:

30 sec. ME ROW FOR CAL
30 sec. ME Power Cleans 135/95#
30 sec. ME ROW FOR CAL
90 sec. Rest


bench press: 70% x 8-12 reps x 2-3


2. close-grip bench: 75% x 6-8 reps x 2 sets

3. Bench w/pause 1” off chest: 65% x 10-12 reps x 2-3 sets




10 Wall Balls, 20/14

30 Double unders


Core: 2 min amrap russian twists



February 11th


5×1 across at 90%


5 sets of:  Hang Squat clean and Jerk + Squat Clean and Jerk

Complete one CJ from the hang drop the bar and quickly complete another full CJ from the ground.



20, 15 10, 15 20 reps

Push press 95/65#

Box jump overs 24/20






February 10th

deadlift: 90% x 2 reps,

92.5% x 1 rep

, 95% x 1 rep

, 80% x AmRAp

3xAmrap strict pull ups


10,9,8,7….1 reps

Squat cleans 135/95#

Burpees over the bar

Core: 2 min amrap t2b