April 4th

: Olympic lifting: EMOM full snatch1 rep @ 80% for 8 min


Skill: chest to bar pull ups 10 min


21-15-9 reps

Hang Power Clean 135/95#

burpees over the bar


Core: 100 Russian Twists for time 20/15 slam ball

On Ramp


Dead Lift

Jumping Pull-ups Walking lunges

3 rounds for time: Run 200m
Lunge 30 ft
10 jumping pull-ups

March 16th

Have fun with this one. Don’t stop moving?

Workout 13.2

10 minute AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 / 75 lbs
10 Deadlift, 115 / 75 lbs
15 Box jump, 24 / 20 inch


On Ramp:

Shoulder Press press out of rack

Wall Ball
Med Ball Cleans

5 rounds for time: 7 wall ball
7 pushup
7 ring rows

5 rounds for time: 10 wall ball
5 pushup

Wod March 7

Strength: snatch practice 15 min


5 rounds rest 1:1


30 dbl unders

30 air squats

Core: 40 hollow rocks

On Ramp:

Dead Lift

Jumping Pull-ups Walking lunges

3 rounds for time: Run 200m
Lunge 30 ft
10 jumping pull-ups

Mustache March 2nd


Strength: 5×8 Pendlay Row

Team Wod:

2 person team


800m run with sandbag ( one person runs the first 400m with the bag then switch)

60 pull-ups (teammate keeps sandbag off the ground)

60 sandbag lunges (teammate holds plank)

60 burpees( teammate holds sandbag overhead)

800m run with sandbag

Olympic lifting Class!

I’m happy to announce that StompinGround will be teaming up with  Coach Charles Shipman to provide StompinGrounder’s with Olympic Lifting specific classes.  These classes are starting this Saturday and will be provided almost every week. Make sure to check the schedule and sign up! These classes are going to be free to StompinGround members!

Wod Feb 25


back squat

50%x5, 60%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%xamap


3 rounds not for time:

10 pull ups

30 dbl unders


12-9-6-3 reps

thruster 135/95

box jumps


Core: max plank for time

ON Ramp



ring row

push up


200m run


squat/push up/ring row

200m run





New Class Announcement!

Starting this Sunday we will be offering specialized classes. There will be four different categories we will be concentrating on, powerlifting, olympic lifting, gymnastics and mobility. These sessions will not be wod style classes, these classes will breakdown the movements and instruction will be given to help everyone refine technique and understanding. There will be whiteboard discussion and then movement/ skill practice, classes will be on the schedule from 11-noon and the title will be the movement or skill set we will be going over that day. This is a great opportunity for people to become more technically sound and gain more understanding of the different aspects of CrossFit. I encourage everyone to try and make these classes. Lets learn, become more fit and have fun!

Wod Dec 7th

Strength: 3×4 strict shoulder press @75%


21 power cleans 135/95#

21 hr push ups

15 deadlift 225/155#

15 hspu

9 ohs 135/95#

9 burpees over bar

you must change out your own weights, only one bar per person


Core 3×10 tgu (5ech side)

Wod Nov. 29th

Strength: 3×5 squat clean @70% jerk the last rep


10 Front rack barbell lunge 115/85#

10 burpees over bar

5 rounds for time



50 half moons

Warriorz Throwdown Sunday Oct 21st

Jake will be competing this weekend Oct 21st at the WarriozThrowdown held at the Barthlomew Sports Complex in Elk Grove. There is going to be 20 of the best CrossFitters in California battling it out. Admission is free and it should be a great opportunity to check out a great competition. The events start at 9 am.  Jake starts at 11am! Hope to see all of StompinGround out there!